Cobweb Shoppe

Antique stores

  • Main Activity: Antiques
  • Miami Fl

  • 8835 SW 129th St
  • 305 233 3891


Cobweb Shoppe, 8835 SW 129th St, Miami Fl - Antiques

Cobweb Shoppe - business info:

Cobweb Shoppe is Antiques from Miami Fl. Just because something is old or used does not mean it is dirty. Through experience, research, and consulting, we will determine current market value for your estate items. We treat you fairly and always pay the highest prices. We are skilled in refinishing and repair , we are able to match custom kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets and fine furniture. Our mission is built on knowledge and discovery. From experience, we know the going market prices and have a large following of customers including private collectors, and many national buyers. We are proud to offer our products and services to the entire USA at fair and competitive prices.


Antique offers

Cobweb Shoppe Miami Fl offers: We accurately separate your 10KT, 14KT, and 18KT gold and pay you top dollar on the spot! We sell jewelry, antiques, used furniture, fishing gear and so very much more. Specialties include chests of drawers, highboys, dining tables, sets of dining chairs, sideboards, etc. We thoroughly inspect each used part to make sure it meets our standards before selling it to you We have a very wide variety of merchandise with something for every collector or gift giving occasion. You will feel like you are traveling through time as you browse our unique selection of exquisite jewelry. We also deal with antiques and have a large collection of memorabilia.

Antique catalog

Antiques prices


Call us at the phone number: 305 233 3891 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

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Welcome to Cobweb Shoppe

Come over and see us today! Check our events page for the current sale and events. Come check us out. Offering the same efficient and reliable service that our customers have come to know! Stop by today and have fun browsing or take one of our do-it yourselfer classes. Our goal is to provide quality results while developing a long relationship with our valued customers.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Cobweb Shoppe.


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