Glenwood Antiques

Antique stores

  • Main Activity: Antiques,Furniture Stores
  • Glenwood Landing Ny

  • 134 Glenwood Rd
  • 516 676 3725


Glenwood Antiques, 134 Glenwood Rd, Glenwood Landing Ny - Antiques,Furniture Stores

Glenwood Antiques - business info:

Glenwood Antiques is Antiques,Furniture Stores from Glenwood Landing Ny. All you have to do is call! Antiques Buy Sell Trade. We have several vendors, as well as consignors with beautiful antique and vintage furniture, locally made pottery, jewelry, wood turned products, and so much more! If you are looking for a specific item, let us know and we can keep an eye out for it. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make these changes. Best Prices for Your Gold Silver & Coins! Our expert appraisals are free, and we pay top dollar for your valuables.


Antique offers

Glenwood Antiques Glenwood Landing Ny offers: Contact us for more information! We are always buying coins, currency & bullion. Our gift shop is filled with rustic furniture, hand crafted pieces, candles, rugs and so much more. You can trust that we know what we are doing and that we uphold the highest levels of honesty and professionalism. Antiques, Collectables, Knives, Swords, Weapons, Radios, Apparel, Glassware, Electronics, Toys, Furniture, Tools, and so much more! Their collection of statement pieces including chandeliers, chests, tables and buffets are equally curated and certain to enrich your home. Antiques tend to become stained, chipped, and cracked as time goes by.

Antique catalog

Antiques prices


Call us at the phone number: 516 676 3725 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

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Welcome to Glenwood Antiques

Please note this address. And, yes, we sell thousands of items. The goal of our friendly, helpful staff is to cater to you before, during, and after your purchase. Make an appointment today! Stop in today and browse our unique inventory! Come in and see what we have.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Glenwood Antiques.